Thursday, May 29, 2008

an excerpt from The Memoirs of Stanley Cooke

This is my selected writing for this month. But first here's a bit of background information. I wrote a narrative poem several years back, and though I don't want to go in to detail about the poem, I will say that I used the poem for the basis to a story. I as began writing the story I realized that it would end up being quite long. So rather than post the entire story (which is good because it's not finished yet) I pick just an excerpt to post. The basic premise of the story, and there for this selection, is it's an old man reminiscing about various things in his past.

excerpt from The Memoirs[1] of Stanley Cooke

My brothers and I waited in line for over an hour. When we finally did get up there we were given only a handful of seconds to spit out what we wanted for Christmas. Many wouldn’t make it. The elves, who at times acted like Santa’s jolly guards, would scoop us up quickly and send us down the steps returning us to our parents if we hesitated too long on what we wanted. Troy was the youngest and, per our parent’s instructions, we were to let him go first. But as is the case with many first timers, he started crying before he even made it to Santa’s lap. Jesse and I were going to make fun of him later but the truth is, the same thing also happened to both of us on our first time. At least Troy didn’t pee his pants like I did three years ago. When Jesse got up there he, for some reason, went numb and just stared blankly at Santa. After a few seconds he too was escorted by one of the elves in the direction of our waiting parents. I was a little worried of a similar fate for myself so I prepared ahead of time. As I was placed onto Santa’s lap I pulled a wrinkled piece of paper out of my pocket and began reciting the notes I had prepared. I described in great detail the fighter jet replica I wanted, which came with a cock pit hatch that opened up and pilot that could be removed. It also had an optional parachute you could attach to the pilot which made for a completely separate toy on its own.

I could tell Santa was pleased with my preparedness and when I got back to my parents I was beaming. Disappointment adorned the faces of both of my brothers and their misfortunes pleased me that much more. “It’s okay” I told them, “you can always send Santa a letter, the mail still runs on Christmas Eve.” Ha ha! This was an argument of consolation that my mother had used on me previously. Though I was young, I was old enough to have lost some faith in our postal system. I knew there was no way they could get a letter all the way to the North Pole in just one day. My mom tried to tell us that they used military planes to make sure they got there in time but even at my young age I was skeptical. I continued to give my condolences to my bothers as we made our way to the exit and the irony of my words consumed me with joy.

With our goal accomplished for the evening we made our way through the crowds toward the parking lot. We always parked near the entrance that leads to the toy section. The idea was we could take one last look at things before we went to Santa to tell him what we wanted. In reality it was so they could see what we wanted and then they would go back and purchase those items while we waited in line for an hour to see a fictional character. It was really a pretty ingenious setup. When leaving the store we always made the longer walk to leave through the exit near men’s suits. My parents didn’t want to take us back through the toy section because there would inevitably be something we missed the first time that we really wanted more. I’ll give my parents credit, they had developed a good system. However, this year, Montgomery Ward was really pushing their new line of bicycles and had built a display in the middle of the men’s suit section. My family was out the door and half way to the car before they realized I wasn’t with them. They clamored back in calling my name and found me in a trance, practically drooling over the Schwinn ‘Victory 400’ bicycle. “I need it.” I said faintly. Dad grabbed my arm and jerked me toward the door and at that exact moment I conjured, from somewhere deep inside, some sort of super human strength. I jerked back with all my might and, catching dad off guard, I nearly pulled him to the floor. “I got to go back,” I shouted, “I got to go see Santa. He’s gonna bring the wrong thing!”

I put up an enormous fight, but it was all in vain. My parents wouldn’t budge on their position. Dad was instantly furious, “You had your chance, you’ll just have to wait until next year.” My mom tried to be more consoling, “You can always try and mail him a letter. The mail still runs on Christmas Eve you know.” I got home and immediately wrote out a letter. I explained to Santa how I had made a mistake at the department store and the bicycle was what I really wanted. When we said our bed time prayers that night the only thing I prayed for was the planes and pilots taking our letters to Santa. My mom had to remind me to pray for our family and Aunt Martha who was driving to see us after Christmas and all the other meaningless dribble we were suppose to pray for. That night I had a dream that I was piloting one of the army planes flying letters to the North Pole. The Germans were firing at us from below and all of my men were scared. “Be brave men, there’s no turning back now. These letters have got to get to Santa,” I said in a commanding voice.

We got a fresh snow on Christmas Eve morning but I couldn’t enjoy it because I was worried about those pilots getting my letter safely to Santa. My brothers played all day in the snow but I just sat on the porch and moped, thinking about that stupid fighter jet replica. What was I thinking asking for that toy? I mean, I’m almost seven years old, way too old for a kids toy like that. I’d get bored with it within a few weeks if I didn’t break it before then. I was so stupid. On Christmas morning our parent’s always made us wait in our room until they called us down. The suspense was horrific. Finally they yelled upstairs and we all sprinted ferociously down the stairs. I shoved my brothers aside so I could beat them to the den. Even though there was no point for me to hurry this year I still felt that it was my rightful place as oldest brother to be the first one down. I rounded the corner into the den and setting right there in front of the fireplace was a bright blue, shiny rimmed Schwinn ‘Victory 400’ bicycle. My parents made me wait until the afternoon to ride it so that dad could help me learn “how to handle a hog like that.”

At dinner that night I volunteered to pray. I gave thanks to God for the military and especially the pilots. The next day I crashed the bike into a curb, was thrown, and broke my arm. By the time I was willing to get on a bike again I was old enough to know that Santa wasn’t real and that my parent’s loved me more than I would ever give them credit for.

1. Am I allowed to call this a memoir if its about a fictional character? I don't want Opera on my back.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sexual Harasment

At FedEx there is a position call a "pick off". There is a conveyor belt which moves along in front of each loading area. This belt moves packages that are too big, or long, wierd shaped to go through the system in the normal fashion. The role of a pick off is to stand at this belt, scan the packages and "pick them off" and set them in front of the appropriate trailer to be loaded. Because this is a lower impact, less physically demanding job the position is typically filled by women. Now I'm not saying that women are too inferior to do other jobs, and there are several women who do a great job loading, unloading, etc. But most women that get hired don't have the strength to be able to do the more physically demanding jobs for an extended period of time. In fact, it too physically demanding for a lot of guys too.

Anyways, I have a pick off that works for me. Her name is Candice, she's around 24 years old I guess, and as far as I can tell is a really nice, sweet girl. At the end of work this morning a guy from another area who was on his way out called me over. I was in the middle of working but I thought it might be important so I dropped what I was doing and walked over there.

"I never noticed this before but your pick off has some really nice tits."

Now what the hell am I suppose to say here? His comment actually made me feel awkward and offended. If Candice was a trashy girl then I probably wouldn't have felt as offended, but she's not. Now every time I see that guy I'm going to feel a little awkward even though I'm not the one who was sexually harassed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hot Pockets

I ate one of these tasty little deliciously delighting treats[1] today.

1. pure sarcasm

Monday, May 19, 2008

Updating a Previous Story

Actually I'm updating the last blog I wrote. So after you read that, then read this:


Hell Yeah!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How to Be a Good Student

My history final was this past Thursday and it's a test I was a little worried about. The exam was two part. The first was a word-bank quiz; what I mean by that is there were 20 fill-in-the-blank questions and at the top of the page there were 30 key words to pick from. This sounds pretty easy but can be difficult if one doesn't study well enough. From the lectures and the text book[1] there are well over a hundred people, places and terms that we covered in the last segment of class and we have no idea which 20 he will choose. All of the previous test were the same format but he chooses a wide range of questions, so there's a lot to try and memorize.

The second part of the final is an in class essay. In class essays kind of suck. It means you really have to know what you're writing about because there's no chance to look up any facts or even re-write some things. The professor, who's name is Dr. Kyle[2], gave us a handout a couple of weeks ago with five essay questions. On the final he chose two of those five and then we chose one of those two to write about in a 'blue book', which I purchased ahead of time from the book store. So out of the five questions, I can choose four to study really well and omit the one I feel less comfortable with and I'll be safe because I'll know at least one of the questions is on the final.

So based on this, I formulated my study strategy. Since part of the final is the word-bank quiz I adjust my note taking to cater to that. Basically I used a "key-word" system of note taking. When ever the prof mentioned a person or event or place, etc, I jotted it down and why that thing is significant. So to study I just had a list of key words to try and memorize. I read through the essay questions and two of them I really didn't feel good about, so I decided not to prepare for those. I know this is dangerous and ill-advised, but I like living life on the edge[3]. So I study pretty well for three of the essay questions by writing out a really good outline for each and I hope that one of them is on the final. And I know that your thinking I screwed myself, but as it turned out, the question I felt strongest on was one of the two on the final.

I had a full week from the last class until the final and I decided that I would commit a good two hours a day working on this until I felt comfortable enough to take the final. To my surprise I was done by Monday. I already felt really comfortable with everything I thought I needed to know. This was well ahead of schedule but after my study session Monday evening I was feeling pretty good about things. But, I'm so naive that I think that is good enough. Monday to Thursday is plenty of time to forget everything. But I'm committed to doing well so I make a plan to show up to class an hour before the test and I'll look everything over again and get refreshed on my key words and my essay outlines. That way everything is readily available in my short term memory bank for immediate and total recall. I was so stoked about my chances as I walked into school that morning.

Though I had planned to be there an hour early, there was some parking issues and I ended getting there at 11:15 instead. But that's cool, 45 minutes is plenty of time. As I sit down outside of class I notice there's another class in our room. That's odd because I thought the class before us would have taken their final on Tuesday, but I didn't see anyone I recognized so whatever. But now I've got to thinking, "what if I had the times wrong? Ha, that would suck." To be safe I go ahead and pull out the handout with the essay questions to double check the start time of the test, and..................oh shit. HOLY CRAP, THE TEST STARTED AT 11:00! HOLY CRAP! I'm now in a complete panic. I've lost all of the study time I had planned for and I'm not sure I can remember everything. And what if he won't let me take the final because I'm so late.

I pack everything back up so I can go in. Only the door is locked and I have to knock and cause a distraction so the professor can let me in. I apologize for being late and he simply hands me the exam. I sat and started looking things over, and immediately double my panic level. NOTHING looks familiar. Did we cover this stuff? I don't remember anything. It's question 11 before I find an answer I know and I ended up guessing on about half of the word bank questions. This is not good. I flip over the exam and look at the essay questions. I just know he's going to have the two I didn't prepare for (I would have looked at the essay questions as soon as I got the exam but I was so afraid I put it off as look as I could). I'm so relieved to see the one I felt strongest about. This is good, maybe I can make something out of this test anyways. So I reach into my back pack to pull out my blue book.... um, I reach into my back pack to pull out my blue book.... um.... damn it. I can see the blue book still sitting on the dash board of my truck. Oh my god this day sucks!

I can't ask anyone around me because they're in the middle of the test so lurch myself up to the front and tell the professor that I left the blue book in my car, and ask what I should do. "Don't worry I brought some extra, I knew there would be some of you." Some of you? He thinks I'm one of them. So, this is my reply: "Also, my pen is messing up, do you have happen to have an extra?" His eyes roll as he hands me a pen.

All things considered I can say the day was a wash. On the one hand I completely failed the final but on the other hand I'm done with school for the semester. So all in all, not a bad day. Seriously though, I had such a good plan. I was going to be so prepared. I was being such a good student, perhaps even the best I've ever tried to be. And on a simple misunderstanding[4] I became a horrible student. I became one of those students.

1. Did not open.
2. On the first day of class he called roll. When he called out my name he said, "with that name I expect big things from you." I let that man down.
3. To be truthful, my risk-taking often stems from laziness.
4. Maybe it was my fault, maybe not. Let's not split hairs here.

Monday, May 05, 2008

The Grownup

I came across this recipe for a drink called "The Grownup":

Pour 1-1/2 oz. tequila, 1/2 oz. triple sec, 1 oz. lime juice, and ice into blender, chop until slushy. Then dump that glorified Slurpee into the toilet and drink something befitting an adult, like a single-malt Scotch.