As many of you may know, my sister, Denise, plays golf with the Special Olympics. No, she is not very good. In fact she's pretty lousy[1], but she has a lot of fun playing and isn't that what it's all about[2]? Yesterday she had golf practice and her partner had something come up at the last minute. Fortunatly I was free and able to fill in. However, Denise doesn't really like playing with me very much because she says I'm too serious when we play. She is probably right. Regardless, we joined up with another pair and set out at Meadowbrook Golf Course to play a round of nine.
If you've play Meadowbrook before then you are well aware of the 8th hole. It's a truely unique hole. About 220 yards off the tee you'll encounter a 90 degree dog-leg to the right. You'll then have to hit the ball anoth 150 yards up a very steep hill. The difficulty of this hole is rediculous. I drive an excellent tee shot here. The hit was a little off line from what I intended but the ball carries quite well off of a tree and I end up in a pretty good spot to try and hit up the hill. As our group is rounding the dog leg we here some noises coming from one of the houses that border the golf course. It's sounds like kids playing, possibly swimming. The trees are thick and we can't really see through, but the kids are loud and easily heard. It's sounds at first like they are playing the classic game of Marco Polo. But then we realize Marco Polo isn't the name they're chanting. We listen for a second and then we realize what they are saying... Barack Obama. They weren't playing Marco Polo at all they were playing Barack Obama[3].
I found it a little hard to concentrate after that, mainly from the laughing. Not that it would have mattered, Denise and I were getting beaten badly by the other pair playing with us. But that's okay, we had fun, and that what it's really all about[4].
1. But aren't we all.
2. Actually that's not what its about. The inventors of the sport never intended for it to be fun or enjoyable.
3. I wonder what you call instead of "fish out of water"?
4. see number [2].
Friday, August 22, 2008
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