My church council approved funds of $3000 to remodel our youth room. That's really exciting! It's also unprecedented. My budget for the youth for the entire year is $150
[1], and we struggle every year to raise enough money for mission trip. Even though $3000 isn't that much to make over our youth room with, it's still pretty amazing considering how little money we usually have to work with.
We actually have two rooms. Both are the size of a normal class room. One of them we call the Youth Room and that is where we do Sunday School and meet on Wednesday evenings. The other is referred to as the "Recreation Room", and is currently occupied by a worn out pool table an uncomfortable couch and an ugly, lime green book shelf
[2]. My thought, which is shared by everyone, is to get rid of everything in both rooms and start fresh.
But what do we do? Painting is an obvious answer, but I don't see us using up the $3000 in just paint. What else? Since the money is coming out of our some memorial funds, where I know there is more money to spare, I think I can negotiate up to another $1000
[3]. So, I'm open to suggestions. If it were your youth room, how would you spend the money
1. Ridiculous.
2. This room sucks!
3. Wishful thinking.
4. 52" plasma and a blue ray player?