- Sunday night - I began to get sick.
- Monday - I didn't work, which sucks because I need money.
- Monday night - Patrick beat me in ping pong. I know that trivial, but I still don't like to lose.
- Tuesday - I am continuing to get sicker, but I am determined to beat this with over-the-counter stuff and plenty of fluids.
- Tuesday night - Job interview. I deliver a less that stellar performance.
- Wednesday - I'm not getting any better and the fluids are just making me have to pee a lot.
- Wednesday afternoon - No word yet about whether or not I got the job. I shouldn't take more than a day to hear back unless they are still interviewing more candidates.
- Thursday - I begin to realize how far behind I am in the semester and it's a little depressing.
- Thursday night - I find out that I did not get the job. But I found out via facebook. I never got a call back or anything. That's kinda douchy and a poor display of business ethics.
- Friday morning - I feel the sickest I have all week long. I am suppose to be going to a movie with Amy tonight but I am really considering canceling because I feel so horrible. And obviously I really don't want to cancel.
- Friday morning - I go to the doctor and she says she thinks I just have a plain old cold, which would be viral, which means antibiotics wouldn't help. I respectfully disagree and suggest she prescribe a Z-pac.
- Friday morning - The Z-pac, in combination with some recommended over-the-counter drugs have done nothing but make my stomach hurt.
- Friday morning - I decide to fight through it, do some homework and prep a new resume to send out... and then my computer stops working. That's nice, perfect way to end a crappy week.
- Friday afternoon - I take my laptop in to Circuit City. It's no longer under their warranty but it is still under the manufacturer's warranty. They tell me I'll have to send it in to Hewlett Packard for servicing. I say, "well can't you send it in for me?" No. Circuit City doesn't do that. I know for a fact that Best Buy will do that as a free service to their customers. Why? Because Best Buy likes customers. No wonder those Circuit City bitches filled for bankruptcy.
- Friday afternoon - I'm feeling depressed and sick as ever. I'm going to go ahead and call Amy and cancel for tonight and then go home and wallow in my own misery and self pity. My stomach is growling but I have no appetite and thus, no interest in eating. But I decide that getting a little something to eat might help my energy level and make me feel a little better. Since Chic-fil-a is in the same parking lot as those Circuit City bitches, I decide to hit that up.
- Friday afternoon - Chic-fil-a sandwich (no pickle), side of waffle fries and a Dr. Pepper... I am instantly feeling 100% better. No joke. I feel great actually. My nose is still runny, I'm still coughing a little, but I feel way better. I have energy. My joints don't ache. My severe headache has disappeared. Why was I messing around with Claritin, musinex, advil, cough syrup and Z-pacs? All I needed was a little chic-fil-a[1].
- Friday afternoon - Starting to feel everything's gonna be alright. My comupter has even started working properly again. No wait, it was just giving me false hope. I'm still going to have to send it in.
- Friday late afternoon - I get an email telling me that I did not get the job.... thanks.
1. Or the comination of 5 different drugs I was taking had just started to kick in.