I had trouble deciding on a title for this post, I almost went with "Once You Go Barack You Never Go Back."
It looks like Barack Obama as pretty much sealed up the nomination and I am pretty excited about it. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not actually giving away my political ideology[1], but rather I am excited about what this means for the civil rights movement. These primaries saw three first, first time a black and a woman have had a legitimate chance at the presidency and the oldest presidential nominee ever in McCain. But most exciting is Barack and the potential he brings. Barack resembles a third party candidate in many ways. Such as the way he is bringing some previously lower-key issues to the fore front, which is the only meaning purpose a third party has in our election system. However, the difference is Barack has a very real chance of winning the presidency. It will be very interesting to see the way this plays out and this election will no doubt result voting numbers like this country hasn't seen in many, many years[2]. I'm also interested to see who Obama gets as his VP candidate. I don't think it will be Hilary. I think John Edwards would be a good choice however.
I think I may start paying more attention now and write a political post on a semi-regular basis[3].
1. Flaming liberal
2. My mom is even going to vote and this will be the first time she's voted for president.
3. Honestly I wrote this post just so I could use the line, "Once You Go Barack You Never Go Back." I think that would make a fun t-shirt or bumper sticker logo. Or maybe a button!
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4 years ago
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