Saturday, October 11, 2008

Since When Did the Pigeons Stop Giving a Shit?

A couple of days ago I went to Sam's Club to buy some groceries in bulk. I was fortunate enough to find a pretty close parking spot. But as I started to pull in a noticed a pigeon just sitting there in the middle of the parking space. Being the humane person I am, I didn't want to hurt the pigeon, so I pulled forward slowly assuming I would see the pigeon fly off any second. As I continue to pull forward, the sight of the pigeon now obscured by the front of my truck, I decided I had better angle to make sure I straddle the pigeon just in case he didn't fly away. I got out of the truck and looked underneath. The pigeon was still sitting there with my tire right next to it. My first thought was the pigeon must be dead, but oddly sitting in that normal way pigeons sit. But then, he rotated his head and looked at me. Obviously this freaked me out, so I jumped up and hurriedly entered the store. When I came back out I did not check to see if the pigeon was still there. but I backed out in such a way to avoid hitting the thing if it was still there. The pigeon was gone but the whole way home I had that creepy feeling that an ax murder[1] was hiding in my back seat, and I don't even have a back seat.

On an unrelated note, as I left for work at about 4:00am this morning, I opened my door to discover someone urinating in the parking lot just outside my apartment. Since when did people stop giving a shit?

1. Or ax murdering pigeon, as the case may be.

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