Thursday, October 16, 2008

"A Truck Full of Mexicans"

My mom got her car back today from the body shop. Before she went to pick it up she called out insurance agent to verify how much of a deposit she would have to pay, if any. We have a $500 deposit, but if we are hit by an uninsured motorist the deposit is only $250. However, according to our insurance agent, "there's a clause that kicks in when you get hit by a truck full of Mexicans."

What he meant to say is our insurance has a special policy if we are hit by someone who isn't a legal resident then we will get reimbursed for the deposit. The nationality of the driver[1], the vehicle[2], or the number of illegal residents in the vehicle[3], are actually irrelevant.

1. Mexican
2. Truck
3. Full of 'em

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