On Saturday the Ku Klux Klan held a rally in Austin supporting proposition 2, which would ban gay marriage in Texas. Gay rights organizations also held a rally to vote against proposition 2. Back in the 70’s when the KKK would hold a rally, the Black Panthers would hold one the same day, and both organizations would march through the streets. On a number of occasions riots would break out, or at the very least, a slue of racial slurs would fill the air. This past Saturday in Austin however, lacked some of the drama of past KKK rallies. The KKK now are a more peaceful organization, and the gays, well, gays can’t really fight. There was one incident that did occur though. Darrin Walker, a homosexual native of Dallas, approached a member of the KKK and slapped him once across the face. Walker then said to the man, “I should slap you again for wearing those shoes with that outfit. Not to mention, hoods are so 1972. You really should update, maybe a cowboy hat, they’re totally in style now.” The two men were then scene going to the mall together, where Walker will help the Klan member with a new outfit.
On a side note, FOX has said they are creating a new reality show called “Queer eye for the Ku Klux Klan guy.” It is schedule to premier next fall.
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